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As of today, I still have yet to hear a word regarding Linda Fitz. My loving mother dispersed from the world…at least in my world, forever…Life after.*ring ring ring* I heard my alarm clock go off as today is a new day and my 16th birthday… Just like any other day for the last 4 years, I did not want to get up. There was no point. My father had been a drunk, living off the money he had made over his last 20 years, which was enough to last a life time.The last 4 years, I had not seen any reason to do anything. Yes, I went to school… occasionally. I spent my days home, or at the movies. The movies was the only place I could find peace in, I would sit right in the back and spend hours in there alone, watching various titles they put on. I did just enough homework to sustain a C average, just enough to get by without anyone’s notice. I didn’t have many friends, a few from all the years of growing up, but they have gotten tired of me as I never had anything to contribute to their. She juggled her training and office duties very well. I was happy for her, but sad as well. I knew that once her training was over, she would be moving up and a new secretary would be coming in. I was going to miss looking out my door and seeing her beautiful face. It had been almost four months since Beth and I had sex. Not once had either of us mentioned it. If I said I had not thought about it over the past four months, I would be lying. Often I would sit in my desk and remember how it felt to be inside her. Many times I had masturbated to those memories. One Thursday afternoon, Beth knocked on my door. Once in my office, she requested to have the following day off. She told me that one of her friends from Virginia was coming into town and she wanted to spend some time with her. I could not deny her request. She had worked hard, and she deserved a day off. So I granted her request and was rewarded with a smile. I did not realize how much I had gotten used to having Beth around the.
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